About us


Although many overnight express companies guarantee package delivery times, these delivery times are not always met. You can recover the costs on any late deliveries, but it requires work on the part of your company to get these fees recovered. It is not cost-effective for firms to chase these dollars by adding on people to perform these functions, or overburdening existing personnel.


More and more companies are using our cost recovery specialist service to recover missing fees as the most 
cost effective approach for their company. We perform an extensive audit of your overnight carrier charges and 
have the established administrative functions in place to recover your fees. Therefore, the more shipping your 
company does, the greater the benefit.

Cost recovery offers its service on a contingency fee basis, and does all this with:

  • No addition to your staff
  • No employee benefit costs
  • Fees recovered at no cost to your company
  • All recovery costs borne by Cost Recovery
  • No additional work by your existing staff